Dustin Lin


Contact: lin [dot] du [at] northeastern [dot] edu
GitHub: DustinLin

Theme by orderedlist

I’m a first year PhD student at Northeastern University, grateful to be advised by Emanuele Viola. My interests lie in complexity theory, particularly pseudorandomness and the use of randomness in computation.

I completed my masters and undergrad at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where I was advised by Russell Impagliazzo. During my time at UCSD I was also very fortunate to have worked with Nadia Heninger and Gerald Soosairaj.

My master’s thesis was a survey on the connections between randomness extractors and pseudorandom generators, and how they relate to optimal derandomization.


  • Computer Science and Engineering Teaching Assistant: CSE 101: Design and Analysis of Algorithms - Spring 2023
  • Computer Science and Engineering Tutor: CSE 105: Theory of Computation - Winter 2022
  • Computer Science and Engineering Tutor: CSE 101: Design and Analysis of Algorithms - Fall 2021


  • UCSD Theory Lunch - PRGs for polynomials, June 2023
  • UCSD Theory Lunch - Pseudorandomness: on Beating the Hybrid Argument, October 2022


In my off-time I enjoy running, cycling, and swimming (occasionally putting the three together), as well as reading classics/philosophy. Any book recs are welcome.

Big shoutout to Eugenie Lai for the website template and inspiration.

Blog where I try to write about things